Ksenija Bilbija

Professor of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Ksenija Bilbija, PhD, is a professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, specializing in cultural studies, gender criticism, and post-traumatic memory in Spanish-American literature. She is the author of Cuerpos textuales: metáforas de la génesis narrativa en la literatura latinoamericana del siglo XX (2001) and Yo soy trampa: Ensayos sobre la obra de Luisa Valenzuela (2003).

She has co-edited The Art of Truth-Telling About Authoritarian Rule (2005), Accounting for Violence: Marketing Memory in Latin America (2011); Beyond Violence: Toward Justice in Latin American Writing and Arts special issue of REVIEW Literatures and Arts of the Americas (2014) and Akademia Cartonera: The ABCs of Cartonera Publishers (2009).

Bilbija has translated Luisa Valenzuela’s Cambio de armas (1994), Mario Benedetti’s La muerte y otras sorpresas (1982) and the short stories of Clarice Lispector, Jorge Luis Borges, Ortega y Gasset into Serbo-Croatian. Her book, entitled Ni perversas ni traidoras: Ficciones de colaboración femenina en las dictaduras de Argentina y Chile, is forthcoming in 2022.