Sustainable Wildlife Management

From traditional ecological knowledge and hunting to population dynamics and competition, this session will explore the various methods for sustainable wildlife management. Both researchers and practitioners will share how their methods contribute to a more sustainable future and how humans and wildlife can coexist in a mutually beneficial way.

(There are four videos in this playlist; they will automatically play one after another, or you can use the player controls to skip ahead to individual videos. If viewing on a mobile device and casting to a TV, you may have better results viewing the videos directly in YouTube.)


Tim Van Deelen, Beers-Bascom Professor in Conservation, Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology; chair, Nelson Institute Environmental Conservation Professional Master’s Program, UW-Madison

Emily Iehl, R3 coordinator, Bureau of Law Enforcement, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Anne Lacy, crane research coordinator, International Crane Foundation

Michael Waasegiizhig Price, traditional ecological knowledge specialist, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission